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Department for Dance

  Head of department:          Univ.-Prof. Nikolaus Selimov
  Vice head of programme:  Beata Bauder

Major Subjects

The department for Dance at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna includes the two independent vocational training programmes for dance (BA Contemporary and Classical Dance) and dance eduction (BA Contemporary Dance Eductation). The new Pre-College Dance for the 14+ age group will start in autumn 2025. The Preparatory Course Dance for 12—14 year olds will continue to be offered until the 2026/27 academic year.

The focus of the department is intensive engagement with contemporary dance in its many guises. The Stage Dance and Dance Education degrees are characterised by a plurality of methods to establish dance, choreography and pedagogic competences in the students. This openness to different artistic processes and projects is guaranteed by an international and artistically diverse team of lecturers as well as intensive collaboration with guest lecturers and visiting choreographers.

Students are prepared for the challenges of the modern world of work during the artistic and teacher training. To learn to understand dance as a discipline in a self-reflective manner, skills in the fields of theory formation and science & research are encouraged.

Great importance is also attributed to the fields of interdisciplinarity, inclusion, socio-political responsibility and project-focused working methods. The fostering of creativity based on methods of improvisation support the students on their path to self-determined and successful professions in the various fields of dance.

Health in dance is fostered through anatomical awareness and ergonomic forms of teaching by lecturers. In addition, the department of body awareness techniques offers courses such as anatomy, nutritional information and private physiotherapeutic coaching.  

The department for dance at the MUK are largely practical and there is constant exchange and collaboration with the professional world. Through cooperation with the most important dance institutions in the country, this provides the opportunity of completing internships in theatres, companies and within an educational context, collaboration with (dance) artists as part of projects and, last but not least, through intensive dialogue with graduates of the Dance degree. This continual dialogue with the professional world also supports the process of evolving the Dance degree curricula.

The individual specialisation of students is supported through the discovery of a variety of possible professional uses from the 2nd stage of study. Graduates of the Dance degree are active in regional and town theatres. They direct and act in artistic collectives and companies. They teach at music schools and primary and secondary schools. They manage their own dance studios and dance schools and they work in the sectors of communication and management at renowned theatres.

The international network is consolidated by collaborations with partner universities within Europe as part of student and lecturer exchanges (Erasmus programme), through international cooperation and by participating in symposiums and exchange programmes.

The department for Dance is held at Bräunerstrasse 5, 1010 Vienna. You can also find news and interesting information on the info page of the department on facebook or Instagram.

Contact information

Univ.-Prof. Nikolaus Selimov
Bräunerstraße 5, 1010 Vienna
4th floor | Room 4.30
Phone: +43 1 512 77 47-540
Mobile: +43 676 541 24 23


Administrative assistance Dance
Anikó Horváth
Bräunerstraße 5, 1010 Vienna
4th floor | Room 4.25
Phone.: +43 1 512 77 47-542
Mobile: +43 664 606 47 542


Info on the study programme

PDF info sheet (DE/EN)

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Wed, 12.02.2025, 19:00 Uhr


Thu, 13.02.2025, 19:00 Uhr


Fri, 14.02.2025, 19:00 Uhr


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