Department for Musical Theatre

  Head of department: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Alexandra Riener
  Vice head of department: Univ.-Prof. Christoph Rolfes

I believe that one can only achieve fluency through great endeavours.
[Ralph Benatzky]

With its range of courses for musical theatre, the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna offers a unique connection between operetta and musicals in the German-speaking world. The aim of this practical course is to train artistic personalities for the national and international musical theatre scene, providing them with the skills to excel in all three branches – drama, dance and voice – and to master the genres of cabaret, performance and entertainment.

Contact information

Univ.-Prof. Mag.a Alexandra Riener
Bräunerstraße 5, 1010 Vienna, 1st floor
Phone: +43 1 512 77 47-520
Mobile: +43 664 606 47 520

Administrative assistance Musical Theatre
Katalin Müller-Siemens

Bräunerstraße 5, 1010 Vienna, Room 1.35
T. +43 1 512 77 47-525


Info on the study programme

PDF info sheet (DE/EN)

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