
The correct procedure for examinations is regulated in Section 2 of the Study and Examination Regulations of the MUK Statute.

Types of Examinations

  • Examinations are conducted either as individual examinations or as board examinations.
  • The composition of the board for board examinations, as well as its chairperson, is regulated in the respective study plans.
  • Individual examinations in a Main Subject (ZkF) may be replaced by a board semester examination if the responsible program director or coordinator orders this at the request of the student, the instructor of the subject being examined, or at their own discretion.
  • The content guidelines for board examinations are issued by the Study and Research Commission (StuFoKo) or the joint commission of the Study and Research Commissions.


Conduct and Assessment of Examinations

  • The examiner or the chairperson of the examination board is responsible for ensuring the orderly conduct of the examination and for keeping the examination protocol.
    The examination protocol records the subject matter of the examination, the location and time of the examination, the names of the board members as well as the student’s name, the examination content, the grades awarded, and any special occurrences.
  • Upon request, the student receives a justification for any negative assessment.
  • Transparency: The student has the right to review the examination protocols within six months of the assessment being announced.


Repetition of Examinations

  • Students are entitled to repeat positively assessed examinations once, except for ZkF and board examinations. A positively assessed examination becomes void when the student takes the repeat examination.
  • Negatively assessed course examinations, except for those in ZkF, may be repeated up to twice.
  • The second repetition of negatively assessed course examinations is conducted as a board examination.
  • Board examinations required by the study regulations (e.g., study examinations, bachelor's examinations, master's examinations, diploma examinations) may be repeated once in case of a negative assessment.


Fraudulent Achievements

  • An examination will be declared void by the Director of Studies if the registration for the examination was obtained fraudulently.
  • The use of unauthorized aids or the appropriation of third-party intellectual property without disclosure (plagiarism) as defined by copyright law results in the assessment of an examination or final thesis being declared void.
  • An examination whose assessment has been declared void will count towards the total number of allowed retakes.

Kontakt Prüfungsmanagement:

Mag. Gabriele Fieder

01 512 77 47 211
Studienreferat, Raum 3.19