Studies and Research Commissions

Each faculty has a Study and Research Commission, which is composed of the heads of the study programmes of the faculty, the elected representatives from the group of professors and lecturers of the faculty and the students of the faculty delegated by the university representation; for inter-faculty study programmes, a joint commission of the two study and research commissions is established.
The tasks of the Study and Research Commission include the preparation of new draft curricula and proposals for the amendment of existing curricula, the election of a dean and his*her deputy from among the heads of the study programmes, the preparation of proposals for the amendment of the study and examination regulations, proposals for the establishment and evaluation of institutes as well as the promotion of young academics and artists and proposals for interdisciplinary research projects and focal points.

The tasks of the Study and Research Commission are regulated in the MUK Articles of association.

Studies and Research Commissions of the Faculty of Music

Term of office: 9 March 2023 — 8 March 2026

Dean / Chairperson of the Studies and Research Commissions:
Arno Steinwider

Vice-Dean / Deputy chairperson:
Michael Posch

Head of Programmes:
Jean Beers
Livia Sellin

Lars Seniuk

Elected members:
Doris Adam
Harald Demmer
Michael Krenn

Eva Moizi
Reinhard Wieser

Members nominated by the student representation:
Fiorentina Harasko
Jakob Zallinger

Edwin Daniel Zuniga Flores

Studies and Research Commissions of the Faculty of Performing Arts

Term of office: 2 March 2023 – 3 March 2026

Dean / Chairperson of the Studies and Research Commissions:
Karoline Exner

Vice-Dean / Deputy chairperson:
Nikolaus Selimov

Head of Programmes:
Alexandra Riener
Yuly Khomenko

Elected members:
Eva Tacha-Breitling
Christoph Rolfes
Marijke Wagner
Monika Weiner

Members nominated by the student representation:
Hannah Kordasch
Franziska Geprägs
Minou Mehdizadeh Baghbani
Albane Liger-Belair

Joint Committee of the Studies and Research Commissions

Term of office: 21 April 2023 — 20 April 2026

Rosemarie Brucher (Vice Rector)

Deputy chairperson:
Arno Steinwider (Dean Faculty of Music and head coordinator of the inter-faculty study programme Instrumental and Voice Pedagogy)

Doris Adam (representative of the Studies and Research Commission of the Faculty of Music)
Karoline Exner (Dean Faculty of Performing Arts)
Wiebke Rademacher (Head of study programme Master of Arts Education)
Christoph Rolfes (representative of the Studies and Research Commission of the Faculty of Performing Arts)

Members nominated by the student representation:
Phyllis Breit
Sara Kowal