Erasmus-Masterclass Saxophon mit Marie-Bernadette Charrier (PESMD Bordeaux Aquitaine)

Fri, 13.01.2023, 10:00‒17:00  Uhr

Do, 12. Jänner 2023, 10:00—17:00 Uhr
Do, 12. Jänner 2023, 19:30 Konzertabend
Fr, 13. Jänner 2023, 10:00—17:00 Uhr

Marie-Bernadette Charrier, Saxophone
Curious and impassioned by all the musical currents of today, Marie-Bernadette Charrier carries out an international career appearing in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Slovenia, Estonia, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland, Australia, Tasmania, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, USA, Japan, China, Peru, Columbia, Mexico, Thailand, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Croatia, and Brazil, both as a soloist and in chamber music settings with the ensemble Proxima Centauri, of which she is the artistic Director.
She is regularly invited to perform in many international events and festivals, such as the Ars Musica, Sonorities festival, Suona Francese, 38ème Rugissants, Radio France, Sintese, festival Latinoamericano de Caracas, festival Musicacoustica Beijing, les Jeudis of Villa Medicis, and more.
She has taken part in various radio shows and recordings in Germany, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Australia and is regularly invited to give conferences and master-classes throughout the world. She has played with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Pays de Loire, the Ensemble New Music, the International Orchestral Ensemble of Italy, the National Orchestra Bordeaux Aquitaine, the ensemble ARCEMA, the ensemble SMASH, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bangkok, the New Modern Ensemble of Montreal, the ECM+, and more.
Through regular collaborations with composers, she promotes the development of a new original repertoire which frequently integrates new technology into the musician's performance. She has worked with composers Cendo, Alla, Aperghis, Arroyo, Movio, Havel, Parra, Jodlowski, Moultaka, Malec, Markeas, Matalon, Parra, Rotella, Rudel Rey and more.
She currently teaches saxophone and chamber music at the PESMD (Pôle d’Enseignement Supérieur de Musique et de Danse) Bordeaux Aquitaine and the Conservatoire of Bordeaux, where in 1993 she created a class for the interpretation of contemporary music for all instruments, and she has since trained generations of interpreters of the music of today.
Marie-Bernadette Charrier is a Selmer (Paris) Artist, Vandoren Artist, Honorary Member of the French Association of Saxophonists, and a member of the International Saxophone Committee.
She has contributed to the creation of over a four-hundred original works for saxophone and she has recorded ten CDs.

Fri, 13.01.2023, 10:00‒17:00  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Erkersaal Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
Ticket price

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