Erasmus-Masterclass Saxophon mit Mariano Garcia

Thu, 12.03.2015, 09:00‒17:30  Uhr

Im Rahmen des Vienna International Saxfest

Pause von 12 bis 14 Uhr

Mariano Garcia
With a passion for the saxophone, Mariano García seeks to surpass the boundaries of this instrument in all of his performances, broadening his repertoire with transcriptions of all time great chamber music or contemporary pieces.
Combining his teaching career with that of concert saxophonist, he has toured China and the USA and has taken part in major festivals in Andorra, Portugal and Italy, offering a repertoire that adapts to different situations, with particular emphasis on contemporary compositions and transcriptions.
In so far as his work as a teacher is concerned, he gives numerous courses and master classes in Spain, particularly at the ESMUC of Barcelona, Advanced Conservatory of Salamanca and the University of Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid.
He has been invited to teach at various American universities including those of North Carolina, South Carolina, the Furman University and the University of Georgia. Since 2009 he has been saxophone Chair at the Advanced Conservatory of Music of Aragon and is currently one of the most demanded teachers of this instrument. He has recently recorded a CD with the pianist Aniana Jaime under the IBS classical record label, which has received high acclaim from the specialized critics. He is frequently asked to sit on juries at international competitions. Since 2010 he has been a Selmer artist and member of the duo ÁniMa.

Info material
Thu, 12.03.2015, 09:00‒17:30  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Erkersaal Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
Ticket price

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Mariano Garcia
Mariano Garcia