Erasmus-Masterclass Saxophon mit Alfonso Padilla

Tue, 10.03.2015, 09:00‒16:30  Uhr

Im Rahmen des Vienna International Saxfest

Pause von 12 bis 14 Uhr

Alfonso Padilla
Alfonso Padilla is one of the Spanish saxophonists in his generation with greatest international prominence, as proved by the amount of concerts, recitals and master classes offered in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy, France, Denmark, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland, Portugal, Morocco, and USA.
An eclectic musician, his musical tastes and interests encompass many diverse genres and styles. He forms part of the Ziryâb Saxophone Quartet. In 2007, along with this group, he released “Tetraphone”, a CD with works by Debussy, Escaich, Robert, and Rueda. Likewise, he regularly plays with pianist and composer Santiago J. Báez, and besides, he forms the guitar-saxophone duo Icarus alongside Alberto Plaza. He plays on a regular basis with the contemporary music ensemble Zahir.
He is invited to participate at events such as the International Saxophone Week Porto 2012 (Oporto, Portugal), Eventosax 2011 and 2014 (Rome, Italy), or the Scandinavian Saxophone Festival 2013 (Aahrus, Denmark).
In 2014, he toured USA, which led him to teach master classes and offer concerts at Messiah College (Mechanicsburg, PA), Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove, PA), Mansfield University (Mansfield, PA), and Eastman School of Music (Rochester, NY).
Alfonso Padilla studied at the Conservatorio Superior de Música “Rafael Orozco” of Córdoba (Spain), having Bernardo Zagalaz and Manuel Ureña as his professors. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts from the University of Jaén (Spain).
He is a Professor of Saxophone at the Conservatorio Superior de Música “Manuel Castillo” (Seville, Spain), where he also serves as International Relations Manager.

Info material
Tue, 10.03.2015, 09:00‒16:30  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
Ticket price

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Alfonso Padilla
Alfonso Padilla