Workshop “The Creative Practice Of A Composing Improviser” mit Fabian Arends

Mon, 07.04.2025, 11:00‒14:00  Uhr

Der Workshop mit Fabian Arends richtet sich an alle Instrumentalist*innen (Instrumente nach Möglichkeit gern mitbringen). In diesem Workshop werden wir uns sowohl mit Themen wie Rhythmic Awareness, Kreatives Üben, Ensemble Blending und Sound sowie verschiedenen Improvisations- und Time Konzepten beschäftigen. Wir werden in unterschiedlichen Konstellationen im Ensemble spielen und es wird hinreichend Raum geben, um individuelle Fragen zu besprechen.


The workshop with Fabian Arends is aimed at all instrumentalists (please feel free to bring your instruments if possible). In this workshop, we will explore topics such as Rhythmic Awareness, Creative Practice, Ensemble Blending and Sound, as well as various improvisation and time concepts. We will play in different ensemble configurations, and there will be ample opportunity to address individual questions.

Fabian Arends is a Jazz Drummer, Composer and Improviser living in Cologne/Germany.
He is playing concerts all around the world and has played with musicians such as Lee Konitz, Marc Copland, Thomas Morgan, Hayden Chisholm, Simon Nabatov, Anna Webber, Hubert Nuss, Dieter Manderscheid, Pablo Held, Robert Landfermann, Nils Wogram,Thomas Rückert, Philip Zoubek, Jacob Anderskov and many others.

In 2016 he released his quartet recording Levitate on Klaeng records followed by Fosterchild (Tangible Music/2019), which presents a larger instrumentation. In October 2019 his Band Fosterchild releases his second record called Dear Earthling on the danish ILKmusic label.
Besides his recordings as a leader his work is documented on more than 30 records.

Besides the drums as his main instrument he recently he can be heard exploiting different electronics, modular synthesizers and his laptop in his performances.

Fabian Arends is teaching Drums and Improvisation at the State University in Stuttgart/Germany.

Mon, 07.04.2025, 11:00‒14:00  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Raum K.10 Bräunerstraße 5 1010 Wien
Ticket price
Free entry

Aktive Teilnahme nur für Studierende der MUK.