Transgressive Contours of The Body (Riot at the Border)

Tue, 11.05.2021, 17:30‒19:00  Uhr

Präsentation der künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Forschungsmethoden
Sonia Roshal Sonia Roshal (Gastvortrag in englischer Sprache)

In this lecture/discussion I would like to share with the students the strategies and methodologies I have used to devise my MA performance project and dissertation Transgressive Contours of The Body (Riot at the Border).
A new work often begins with an idea, or sometimes just a vague feeling, an impulse. It is a suggestion for a direction, a wide open possibility, an artist is yet to learn where s/he is going, what s/he will encounter on the way and, ultimately, what exactly s/he wants to say. An artistic research shapes the work and leads the artist through experimentation, exploration and application of theoretical/practical findings.

In this lecture we will discuss about practice-theory relationship and exchange, how one informs the other and vice versa, and how to apply these to one’s developing work." I will also share with the students the outcomes of my research, from Foucault’s ideas of the historical inscriptions on the surface of the body to Connor’s research on skin as the milieu for mingling with the environment. We will then discuss the strategies I have used to implement the aforementioned ideas into my work.

Vortragende: Sonia Roshal

Sonia Roshal is a visual artist, exploring and working in many different medias with the emphasis on performance. Sonia believes that every production develops a unique vocabulary/language, hence all her performances diversify one from another but are united in expressive physicality. Often informed by personal experiences her works are the explorations of the human behaviour, political theatre, life and death, patterns and sensibilities.

Tue, 11.05.2021, 17:30‒19:00  Uhr
MUK, Virtueller Raum Online-Veranstaltung
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Free entry

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Eintritt ab 17:25 Uhr

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