Meisterklasse Violoncello mit Ventseslav Nikolov

Thu, 21.11.2019, 10:00‒18:00  Uhr

„The Bulgarian violoncellist Ventseslav Nikolov is liked for his precise performances. He lives on the stage in his own musical world.“
(Mstislav Rostropovich, Pravda, 1970)

Prof. Ventseslav Nikolov is one of Bulgarias most interesting and significant musicians - violloncellist and conductor, chamber music professor at the Music Akademy in Sofia. Student of M. Rostropovitch and Janos Starker, he used to be also Starker's assistant during the International Music festival in Varna (Bulgaria).
In his fourty years concert activity he had performed over 1500 concerts in Germany, Italy, USA, Switzerland, Greece, Kuba, Mexico and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, former USSR, Romania). His repertoire includes more then 400 works from early classics to contemporary music. He has made over 200 studio records on vinyl and CD. Among them are all of Beethovens sonatas and variations, J. S. Bachs six cello suites and gamba sonatas, concerts from Dvořák, Shostakovich, Haydn C major and D major, R. Strauss’ Don Quixote, Tchaikovskis Rokoko variations, Brahms’ double concert, Honegger, Bloch Rapsody Schelomo etc. He participated in many international music festivals and held many master courses for cello and chamber music in the USA, Germany, Italy etc. He worked with numerous contemporary composers – there are more than 40 works written and dedicated to Ventseslav Nikolov.
Ventseslav Nikolov is playing on a violoncello made by Matteo Goffriller (Venice) in 1726.

„I find Mr. Ventseslav Nikolov to be an excellent cellist and musician. His experiences as a performer and teacher place him in the front rank of his contemporaries.“
(Janos Starker)

Thu, 21.11.2019, 10:00‒18:00  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
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