Erasmus-Masterclass Violoncello mit Antonio Mostacci (Conservatorio di Musica Giovan Battista Martini, Bologna)

Tue, 18.04.2023, 18:00‒22:00  Uhr

Di, 18. April 2023, 18:00—22:00 Uhr, JOH 1.04.03
Mi, 19. April 2023, 16:00—20:00 Uhr, JOH 2.19
Do, 20. April 2023, 10:00—15:00 Uhr, Vivaldi-Saal
Do, 20. April 2023, 19:00 Uhr, Vivaldi-Saal (Cellorecital)

Antonio Mostacci graduated from Pesaro Conservatory after studying with Sante Amadori and has also studied with Franco Rossi, Janos Starker and Yvan Chiffoleau in Paris. He started his performing activity when he was 16, playing in a trio with his father, pianist Luigi Mostacci and clarinettist Italo Capicchioni, the Trio Cameristico Italiano, who performed in the most important European towns. Antonio won first prize at Vittorio Veneto, Catanzaro, Stresa, Moncalieri competitions and was awarded at Maria Canals (Barcelona) and Viotti international competitions. He teaches cello at the Bologna Conservatory and is a member of ISME. Antonio often performs in chamber music groups and has performed as a soloist with many orchestras. He has played with the pianist Miriam Garagnani as Duo since 1990. Duo has played throughout Europe, in the United States, in Australia and Japan. Antonio took part in a string quartet formed by the violinist Nigel Kennedy during the Chichester music festival, UK. He play with Trio di Mantova and Duo with Stefano Bezzicheri. He collaborates as solo cello with the Orchestra of Massimo Bellini Theatre in Catania, with Orchestra Marchigiana (FORM), Teatro Comunale of Bologna Orchestra, Archi di Firenze, Officina Musicale (L'Aquila) and he is currently the principal cellist of the Tiroler Festspiele Orchestra (Austria) and Camerata Montegral conducted by Gustav Kuhn. He founded the Bologna Cello Project . Recent recordings include Boccherini's music for two cellos, a CD of Brahms cello sonatas with Miriam Garagnani, piano (Olga label), and a CD of Italian contemporary music, Bussotti, Conti, Corridore, Margola, Taglietti, (Adatto label), Antonio Vandini sonatas for Cello and BC (Tactus), Diego Conti music for Cello and Orch. Schumann concerto for Cello and Orch.(Tactus), Bach cello Suites (live) with Baroque Cello.

Tue, 18.04.2023, 18:00‒22:00  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Raum 1.04.03 Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
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