Abschlusskonzert Erasmus-Meisterklasse Mandoline mit Mauro Squillante

Thu, 29.09.2016, 18:00 Uhr

Robert Valentine (1674—1735)
Sonate Nr. 4 g-moll op. 12 (Rom, 1730)

Domenico Scarlatti (1685—1757)
Sonate für Mandoline und Cembalo g-moll K 88
    Andante moderato

Sonate für Mandoline und Cembalo d-moll K 89
    [ohne Bezeichnung]

Leone de Naples (1725—1790) 
Sonate Nr. 5 für Mandoline und Basso continuo g-moll op. 2 (18. Jahrhundert)
    Variazioni con gusto

Mauro Squillante, Mandoline
Klaus Haidl, Archiliuto (Klasse Luciano Contini)
Magdalena Kelz, Barockcello (Klasse Pierre Pitzl)

Mauro Squillante is a specialist of ancient plectrum instruments (mandolin and mandola, mandolone, colascione, cetra), constantly engaged in researching their repertoire, organology, and performing techniques. A graduate of the Pollini conservatory in Padova, he has furthered his musical education under the direction of Hopkinson Smith and Crowford Young at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Enrico Baiano, Federico Marincola, Emilia Fadini, and Edoardo Eguez. Carries out an intense concert activity in Italy and abroad performing solo, duo with harpsichordist Raffaele Vrenna, with whom he took part in the Scarlatti Festival in Tokyo, in trio with harpist Mara Galassi and soprano Marinella Pennicchi, with whom he recorded for a Stradivarius CD forthcoming. He collaborates with the ensembles Lirum li Tronc, Micrologus and Scherza l'Alma. He collaborates moreover with Freiburger Barock Orchestra, Venice Baroque Orchestra, la Cappella della Pietà dei Turchini, Arte dell’Arco, l’orchestra del Teatro S. Carlo and  l'orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Mozart Synphonietta, under the conduction of René Jacobs, Andrea Marcon, Antonio Florio, Peter Maag, Louis Bacalov. He has recorded ancient and contemporary music for several record companies (Stradivarius, Harmonia Mundi, Vigesse, Felmay - Dunya records, opus 111, Bongiovanni, Niccolò, Oriente Musik, Stradivarius). He has recorded for the Italian national radio, and for French and German radio and television channels. He is editor of a series on mandolin music for Mnemes - Alfieri and Ranieri Publishing in Palermo. He has also collaborated with the Santabarbara and Mnemes publishing houses. He is President of the Accademia Mandolinistica Napoletana, an association whose fundamental contribution to the revival of the mandolin in Naples is widely acknowledged. As a member of the Scientific Committee of the Centro di Musica Antica Pietà de' Turchini of Naples, part of his production and reserches are carried on with the support and contribution of that important Istitution. He is professor and director of the Accademia Internazionale dei Mandolini Antichi (International Academy of Ancient Mandolin)
He teaches mandolin and historical plectrum instruments at the yearly summer courses organized in Urbino by the Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica. He teaches mandolin at the Piccinni Conservatory in Bari and is professor at the Conservatory of Salerno "G. Martucci".

Info material
Thu, 29.09.2016, 18:00 Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, MUK.podium Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
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