Masterclass Klavier mit Yaron Rosenthal

Mi, 04.12.2024, 10:00‒19:30  Uhr

Mo, 2. Dezember 2024, 10:00—17:00 Uhr
Di, 3. Dezember 2024, 10:00—13:00 & 16:00—19:00 Uhr
Mi, 4. Dezember 2024, 10:00—13:00 & 17:30—19:30 Uhr

Yaron Rosenthal is one of the leading Israeli pianists, combining an international career as a solo pianist and a chamber musician. He has given recitals and chamber music concerts in Israel, North and South America, Europe, South Africa and Australia. Critics regard his unique quality of sound, sensitivity and depth of interpretation.
Prof. Rosenthal has played as a soloist with leading orchestras such as the Philharmonia Orchestra at the Avery Fisher Hall-Lincoln Center in New York, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra,the New york philharmonic, the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, the RAI National Symphony Orchestra, the Ordea Symphony Orchestra, the Calgary Philharmonic, the Santiago de Chile Philharmonic and the Camerata Virtuosi of New York, collaborating with conductors such as Zubin Mehta, David Robertson, Mandy Rodan and Omer Meir Wellber. Professor Rosenthal has won numerous prizes and fellowships, among them the first prize of the Young Artist Competition in Jerusalem, The Gina Bachauer Award, the Leonard Bernstein Fellowship at the Tanglewood Music Center, the Italian Government Award for the Arts and a special fellowship from the Banff Arts Center in Alberta Canada.
As a member of the internationally acclaimed Jerusalem Trio he performs regularly at the main chamber music venues around the world, such as Lincoln Center N.Y, Wigmore Hall London, Concertgebouw Amsterdam and The Forbidden City Concert hall in Beijing.
In addition to his performance activities, Professor  Rosenthal is a highly regarded piano and chamber music teacher, mentoring young gifted pianists. He has given Master Classes at the Jerusalem Music Center (JMC), The Sidney Conservatory, Tel Hai International Piano Courses and Liszt Academy in Budapest. Professor Rosenthal is currently the head of the piano department at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and a regular guest professor at the most important music academies such as MDW in Vienna, Verdi Conservatorio Milano, National University of Seoul and
Mendelssohn Academy in Leipzig.
He studied in Israel with Professor Benjamin Oren and Mrs. Pnina Salzman, and in London with pianist Murray Perahia.

Mi, 04.12.2024, 10:00‒19:30  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, MUK.podium Johannesgasse 4a 1010 Wien
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