Workshop „Bulgarische Musik & Jazz“ mit Victoria Kirilova

Mi, 11.05.2022, 14:30‒16:10  Uhr

Zum Workshop:
Östliche Folklore stößt auf immer mehr Interesse im Bereich des zeitgenössischen Jazz. Als Teil des balkanischen und osteuropäischen Erbes ist die traditionelle bulgarische Musik voller besonderer Skalen, ungerader Rhythmen und Improvisationsansätze. Einige der Ziele des Workshops sind die Präsentation eines „Crash-Course“ in bulgarischer Folklore, die Übersicht und Analyse einiger rhythmischer und melodischer Strukturen und deren Anwendung in Originalkompositionen.

Eastern folklore is generating more and more interest in the field of contemporary jazz. As a part of the Balkan and Eastern European heritage, Bulgarian traditional music is full of particular scales, odd rhythms and improvisational approaches. Some of the aims of the workshop will be presenting a “crash course” in Bulgarian folklore, overviewing and analysing some rhythmic and melodic structures and applying them in original compositions.

Victoria Kirilova is a Bulgarian bass player and composer, currently living in Vienna. Her music is a mixture of various influences — from the diversity of harmonies and timbres in contemporary jazz and chamber music to the poetry and groove of traditional Bulgarian chants and odd rhythms.
Born in Bulgaria, Victoria studied double bass at the National Music School in her hometown, Sofia. Alongside with classical music, in her late teenage years she started discovering jazz, influenced by the lessons of Milcho Leviev and Hristo Yotzov, two of the most prominent jazz musicians in the local scene. She won a scholarship from Leviev’s Fund in 2010 and 2011 and was later invited by him to accompany the annual Summer Music Academy of New Bulgarian University, during which she had the chance to learn from and collaborate with jazz greats such as Billy Cobham, Aaron Goldberg, David Murray, Peter Slavov, Fransisco Mela. In 2017 Victoria graduated from the Milan Conservatory Giuseppe Verdi, studying with Paolino Dalla Porta, Attilio Zanchi, Tino Traccana and in the same year she won prizes at the National Contest Premio delle arti and Prize of the Conservatory of Milan. With a concert at the jazz club Porgy & Bess, consisting of her original compositions, Victoria successfully completed her Master’s degree at the Music and Arts University of the city of Vienna. During her Master’s program Victoria studied with Uli Langthaler, Oliver Kent, Mario Gonzi, and she won prizes from Fidelio Competition, Jazz Festival Sankt Pölten and ARGE scholarships. Victoria has played at venues such as Bergamo Jazz, A to Jazz, JAZZMI, St Pölten, Jazzfestival, Sevilla, Novara Jazz, Jazz in Burgas, aNOther Festival, Kultursommer Vienna, Varna Summer. She has participated in masterclasses such as Siena Jazz Summer Workshops; Begues Jazz, Spain; Summer Music Academy, Sofia. Currently, Victoria teaches bass at the Sing & Swing Academy and at Conservatoire, Vienna.

Mi, 11.05.2022, 14:30‒16:10  Uhr
MUK, Bräunerstraße 5, Raum K.05 Bräunerstraße 5 1010 Wien
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Victoria Kirilova © Lilia Kirilova
Victoria Kirilova © Lilia Kirilova