Masterclass Historische Violine mit Clive Brown

Sa, 19.06.2021, 10:00‒17:00  Uhr

Fr, 5. März 2021, 15.00 bis 18.00 Uhr: Online Lecture (MUK Virtueller Raum)
Fr, 18. Juni 2021, 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr: Practical Tuition (Konzertsaal Singerstraße)
Sa, 19. Juni 2021, 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr: Practical Tuition (Konzertsaal Singerstraße)

Nach fast drei Semestern geprägt von Distance Learning, Blended Education und Lockdown, setzt die Fakultät Musik nun einen kräftigen Akzent mit einer Serie von Masterclasses in Präsenz – natürlich unter strenger Einhaltung aller geltenden COVID-19-Schutzmaßnahmen.

In the lecture Clive Brown will talk about ‘Revolution, hegemony, and division in Classical and Romantic string playing: technique and aesthetics’. The talk and discussion will focus on the following:

  • The rise of the ’Viotti’ school in the late 18th century
  • Its increasing domination of European string playing in the first three decades of the 19th century and the publication of the Paris Conservatoire Méthode de violon (1803) and Méthode de Violoncelle (1804)
  • The growing divergence of practice the 1820s and the impact of Paganini
  • The increasing separation of German and Franco-Belgian practices
  • The early 20th century revolution in string playing

Clive Brown was a member of the Faculty of Music at Oxford University from 1980 to 1991 and is now Emeritus Professor of Applied Musicology at the University of Leeds and Guest Professor at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst (University of the Arts), Vienna. Monographs include Louis Spohr: A Critical Biography (Cambridge, 1984; revised German edition 2009), Classical and Romantic Performing Practice (Oxford, 1999; Chinese translation 2012), and A Portrait of Mendelssohn (Yale, 2003). He has also published numerous articles on historical performing practice and, as a violinist, pursues practice-led research. His critical, performance-oriented editions of music include Brahms’ and Mendelssohn’s Violin Concertos, and Brahms’ complete Sonatas for one Instrument and Piano jointly authored with two of his former PhD students Neal Peres Da Costa and Kate Bennett Wadsworth, together with a separate publication: Performing Practices in Johannes Brahms’ Chamber Music (Bärenreiter); Beethoven’s 1st, 2nd, and 5th symphonies, Choral Fantasia, and Violin Concerto, as well as a performing edition of Mendelssohn’s Die Hochzeit des Camacho (Breitkopf und Härtel); Franz Clement’s D major Violin Concerto (AR-Editions); and Elgar’s Music for Violin (Vol. 37 of the Complete Edition). He is currently working on an edition of Beethoven’s Violin Sonatas and, also with Neal Peres Da Costa and Kate Bennett Wadsworth, Performing Practices in Viennese Classical Chamber Music from Haydn to Beethoven, both for publication by Bärenreiter in 2020.

Sa, 19.06.2021, 10:00‒17:00  Uhr
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, Konzertsaal Singerstraße 26 1010 Wien
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Aktive Teilnahme nur für Studierende der MUK